Tom is a true polymath who started at the age of twenty-six one of our nation’s most successful medical infusion companies, and whose artificial intelligence software company a decade later was recognized as the technology company with the greatest growth potential in America.
Typical of a pioneering entrepreneur, the adversity Tom endures, both personally and in his businesses, continues to earn him controversial headlines. To this day, each successful conclusion stands as testament to his honest, purposeful persistence.
Discover the extraordinary challenges undertaken by Tom as you journey through the chapters of his remarkable life story.
This website is dedicated to Renewable Regeneration, Tom’s use of blood plasma to reward our young with better health while treating age related diseases. Plasma, our Golden Gift, fundamentally controls cellular function throughout our lifespan, and its collection and use hold the key to our health and longevity.
The following trademarks have been registered to protect the truth and quality of their representations:
Renewable Regeneration, Making Lives Better, Keeping It Simple Safe Scientific, NuPlasma,
Spectrum Plasma, SpecPlasma, The Dilution Solution, Remove and Replace,
Young Plasma, yFFP, Golden Genesis, Golden Gift.
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